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Windows 8

Windows 8

The installation is much the same as that of Windows 7, then when you start using the GUI things become confusing.

The whole start menu is a ’tile’ of icons that can be customised in exactly the same way that all previous start menu’s can be customised. It does become quite frustrating if you are a user of the windows key that it merely takes you to a big tiled screen.

Otherwise all functionality is the same as Windows 7, but you need to learn to use the search function that appeared where run should be in windows 7, now hidden in the fly out menu on the right.

Learn to trust Windows 8 – you can install applications as normal,  they will just appear on the Start Menu Tile. (It is really disconcerting at first – you can see on the screen-shot some apps that have been installed – the not so pretty ones on the right!)

We are unsure that it it will make anyone’s productivity greatly increased, but it is an interesting rework of Windows 7 – something that we have been using StartDock applications to carry out for some while.


Windows 8


All in all it will not make you work any faster or cleverer, it may well encourage people to be distracted, and it will cost a lot of time to get it working!

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